老友记 第九季 Friends Season 9 第18集: 彩票 The One With The Lottery

上映日期: 2,002

语言: 英语

影片类型: 喜剧 / 爱情

导演: Kevin Bright

演员: 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 / 柯特妮·考克斯 / 丽莎·库卓 / 马特·勒布朗 / 马修·派瑞 / 大卫·休默

Monica? Hey, can I borrow the Porsche?
摩妮卡 我可以借你的保时捷吗?
- Okay. - All right!
- 好的 - 太好了
But, uh, ahem, what is it not?
A place to entertain my lady friends.
- And what else is it not? - A place to eat spaghetti.
- 还有什么呢? - 不准在车上吃意大利面
- Very good. - Thanks.
- 非常好 - 谢了
What do you need it for anyway?
The, uh, lottery is up to 300 million...
and they don't sell tickets here.
So you're driving up to Connecticut?
Yeah, Connecticut. Not West Virginia.
对 康乃狄克州 不是西维吉尼亚
Maybe I'll drive you up there. I'd like to buy some tickets myself.
或许我可以开车载你去 我自己也想买几张彩券
Yeah, with Chandler not getting paid, we could really use $300 million.
钱德现在没有在赚钱 三亿对我们可是会很好用的
Yes, because if I was at my old job,
是的 因为如果我还是在老工作
we'd say, "300 million? No, thank you."
我们会说"要三亿吗?不用 谢谢"
- Will you get me tickets too? - Yeah, me too.
- 你可以帮我买吗? - 对啊 我也要
- Sure. - Ooh! I have an idea.
- 当然 - 我有个点子
Why don't we all pitch in 50 bucks, we'll pool our money together...
我们可以各出资五十块 把钱集合起来
- and then if we win, we'll split it. - That's a great idea!
- 然后如果我们中奖 我们就照分 - 这主意很棒
No, thanks.
不用 谢了
- You don't want to win the lottery? - Uh, sure I do.
- 你不想要中乐透吗? - 我当然想
I also want to be king of my own country...
and find out what happened to Amelia Earhart.
探索第一位飞越大西洋的女飞行员 是怎么了
- Still on Amelia Earhart? - The woman just vanished!
- 还在想女飞行员吗? - 那女人就这样消失了
Seriously, you don't want in on this?
说真的 你真的不要加入吗?
No. Do you know what your odds are of winning the lottery?
不要 你们知道 中乐透的机率有多大吗?
I mean, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning 42 times.
But there's six of us, so we'd only have to get struck 7 times.
但是我们有六个人 所以我们只需要被打到七次
I like those odds!
Seriously, you guys, I can't believe you're gonna spend $250 on the lottery.
真的 你们 我不敢相信你们会 愿意花两百块钱在乐透上面
I mean, that's such a bunch of boo-hockey.
I'll ask.
Oh, we think Emma's about to start talking...
so we're trying to be careful about what words we use in front of her.
So get ready to hear a lot of, uh, boo-hockey...
所以准备好 你们会听到很多的"胡说"…
gosh darn it and brother pucker.
How do you know she's gonna start talking?
When I talk to her, I almost feel like she understands what I'm saying.
当我跟她说话时 我几乎可以感觉到 她听得懂我在说什么
Kind of like Joey.
What's that now?
God, look at all these tickets. It's so exciting.
天啊 瞧瞧这全部的彩券 真是紧张刺激
I haven't won anything since sixth grade.
自从六年级后 我就没有赢过任何东西了
Pie-eating contest?
You assume because I was heavy that's the only way I could win something?
因为我很胖 你就以为 那是我唯一能赢的比赛吗??
No, I saw a picture of you covered in blueberries.
不 我看过你埋在蓝莓派里面的照片
- That was a good day. - Yeah.
- 那时候真快乐 - 是啊
- They're towing your car! - I'm parked in a garage on Morton.
- 他们在拖吊你的车 - 我停在车库里面
They're towing a car.
And I am seeing spots.
Ross, you don't have Emma! Rachel, you don't have Emma!
罗斯 你没有在带艾玛 瑞秋 你也没有在带艾玛
- Where's Emma? Who has Emma? - Joey, relax.
- 艾玛呢?艾玛谁在带呢? - 乔伊 别紧张
My mother picked her up two hours ago. You were there.
我妈两小时前来带走她了 你也在场啊
- I was? - Yes, and you talked to her.
- 有吗? - 是的 而且你还跟她说话
- I did? - She dropped off a casserole.
- 我有吗? - 她还带来了砂锅菜来
Oh, yeah, the casserole lady.
喔 对啊 那个砂锅女士
Did you come by to watch us win the big bucks?
Yeah. And then I figured after you win, we can all go out to the balcony...
是啊 然后我想在你们中奖后 我们全部到阳台上…
and see a night rainbow with gremlins dancing on top of it.
Don't touch the phone! I'll get it! I'll get it!
别接电话 我来接
- You think he washed his hands? - Hello?
- 你觉得他有洗手吗? - 哈罗?
- Hey, Charlie, what do you know? - What's going on?
- 嘿 查理 有什么消息? - 怎么回事?
Chandler's supposed to find out if he's getting a job at his agency.
钱德想知道他有没有得到 公司内部的一个工作机会
But out of 15 interns, they're only hiring three.
但在十五名实习生中 他们只聘请三个人
- Ooh. Tough odds. - Yeah.
- 机率真小 - 是啊
If only it were a sure thing like your 24-state lottery.
Yeah, look who's coming around!
是啊 瞧瞧谁想通了
Damn it. All right, call me when you know more.
该死 好啦 有更多消息再告诉我
- Did you get it? - One of the slots got filled.
- 你有得到吗? -一个名额已经被占了
- By you? - Sense the tone.
- 被你吗? - 注意我的语气
- No, that kid Nate got it. - Oh, I hate that guy.
- 不是 一个叫做奈特的小子 - 喔 我讨厌那个人
- I mean, come on, pull up your pants! - I know.
- 我是说 真是的 穿上裤子吧 - 我知道
Well, there's two spots left, right?
Yeah. I mean, I want this so much. I want to get one.
是啊 我真的好想要 我想要被录取
I want my friend Charlie to get one.
Except I don't care about Charlie.
- 嘿 你们好 - 嘿
You are not gonna believe this. I just saw my psychic...
你们不会相信的 我刚刚去找过我的算命师
and she said I was definitely gonna win the lottery tonight!
I thought we could use some extra luck...
so I brought a wishbone home from work.
A psychic and a wishbone? Guys, give someone else a chance.
- All right, who wants to do it? - Ooh, can I?
- 好了 谁要来做呢? - 我可以吗?
Vegetarians never get to do the wishbone.
It's really not fair. Just because we don't eat the meat...
真是不公平 我们只是不吃肉
doesn't mean we don't like to play with the carcasses.
All right. Rash'?
好了 瑞秋呢?
I don't want that turkey smell all over my hands.
I'll do it! It'll get the casserole stink off of mine.
我来 我要把砂锅菜的味道盖过去
- I hope I win. - Well, it doesn't really matter.
- 希望我会赢 - 嗯 没有关系
You're both wishing for the same thing.
I can't tell you what I'm wishing for, or else, you know, it won't come true. Ha, ha.
我不能告诉你我许什么愿 要不然不会实现的
Right. But we know what you're wishing for.
对 但是我们都知道你许什么愿
- I can't really say. - I understand.
- 我不能说 - 我了解
But you're wishing for what we think, aren't you?
但是你许的愿 跟我们想的一样 不是吗?
I'm not really comfortable with these questions!
- Please! - Just do it!
- 拜托 - 赶快做
Okay. One, two, three.
I won! Hey!
我赢了 嘿
You know what? I'm sure your wish is gonna come true.
你们知道吗?我确定 你们的愿望会成真
But, you guys, just in case, maybe a genie will come out if we rub this lamp.
但是 为了以防万一 我们来磨擦这个灯 或许精灵会出现
That thing gets hot!
Ross, just keep making yourjokes.
罗斯 继续说你的笑话吧
How are you gonna feel if we actually do win?
如果我们中了 你有什么感受?
- Uh, you're not gonna win. - I know the odds are against us...
- 你们不会中的 - 我知道机率很小
but somebody has to win, and it could be us. And then how you gonna feel?
但是总是有人会中 可能就是我们 然后你会觉得如何呢?
We're gonna be like, "Everybody, let's take our helicopters up to the Cape."
And you're gonna be all, like, "Oh, I can't, guys.
而你只能说"喔 我不行…
I'll have to meet you up there. I gotta gas up the Hyundai."
我们到那边趣面好了 我先帮我的车子加满油"
Okay, I've heard myself on tape, and I sound nothing like that.
好了 我听过自己在录音带里的声音 我听起来根本不像那样
I can see the headline now: "Lottery Winners' Friend...
我可以想像头条新闻是 "彩券赢家的朋友…
Filled With Regret, Eats Own Arm."
充满懊悔 吃下自己的手臂"
Why would I eat my own arm?
Well, you wouldn't, but we own the paper. We can print whatever we want.
你当然不会 但是报纸是我们的 我们爱怎么写就怎么写
You know what? I'm gonna throw in 50 bucks for you.
- Why? - Because I know that you think...
- 为什么? - 因为我知道你认为…
that the lottery is boo-hockey...
but we're all here, and we're gonna watch the numbers and have fun.
但是我们全都聚在一起 看开奖 会很好玩的
And you're my brother, and I want you to be a part of this.
而你是我哥哥 我希望你能参与
You don't have to do that. I mean, I'll pay for myself.
你不需要这样做的 我可以自己出钱
But just the fact that you want me to have fun with you guys, that's so sweet.
但是你想要让我跟你们一起同乐 真的是太窝心了
Come here.
Get a room.
So now that you're in, what are you gonna do if we win?
那既然你已经加入了 要是中奖 你要做什么事呢?
- I don't know. I'll probably just invest it. - Ooh. Calm down.
- 我不知道 或许投资吧 - 对 要冷静
Seriously, that's your fantasy? To invest it?
正经点 你的梦想呢?投资?
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say,
喔 我很抱歉 我是说投资吗?
"invest it"? I meant, "Be cool and piss it all away."
Oh! Oh! I know! We should pool all our money and buy the Knicks!
我知道了 我们该把全部的钱凑起来 买下尼克队
I don't really care about the Knicks.
You will when I pick you as starting forward.
如果我选你当前锋 你就会了
You would do that? I never get picked!
I'm not sure a sports team is the way to go.
You won't let me buy the Knicks? I can't believe you're taking this away.
You're right, it has been your dream for over 15 seconds.
你说的对 这个梦想 已经有十五秒之久了
Uh, how long until they announce the numbers, Mommy?
I'll take this one too. Uh, "Mommy"?
这个也让我来 什么"妈味"啊?
Oh, I've gotten into the habit of calling Rachel "Mommy"...
喔 我已经习惯叫瑞秋…
when we're around Emma.
"妈味" 只要是艾玛在场
Which I now realize we are not.
I'm hoping that if she hears it enough...
- it'll be her first word. - Oh.
- 这将成为她第一句会说的话 - 喔
Although if we're gonna do that, we should probably call me "Daddy" too.
如果我们真的要这样做 你也应该叫我"爹地"才对
Mm. I like that, Daddy.
我喜欢 爹地
I, uh... I was just talking about Rachel.
Ooh, is Daddy getting angry?
Is Daddy gonna spank me?
Well, that depends.
嗯 要看情况
Have you been a bad...? No, I can't.
你是不是坏…?不 我演不下去了
Hello? Hello? Hey, Charlie. Did anybody else hear?
哈罗?哈罗?嘿 查理 还有其他人知道吗?
What? Susan got it? How?
Oh, man, I would've slept with him!
喔 天啊 早知道我也跟他上床
All right, bye.
好了 拜
Dude, I'm sorry. But hey, there's one spot left, right?
老兄 我很抱歉 但是 还有一个名额不是吗?
- Well, Charlie's gonna get that. - Hey, don't say that.
- 查理会得到的 - 嘿 别那样说
You've got just as good a chance of getting that job.
He is the boss' son.
- Come on, lottery! - Yeah!
- 好了 乐透 - 是啊
- It starts in, like, 20 minutes. - Okay, here we go.
- 再大概二十分钟就开奖了 - 好了 我们来吧
We need to sort through the tickets quickly to see if we've won.
So does anybody have any ideas how to organize this?
Okay, how about this:
好的 看看这样如何
We divide them into six groups of 40.
The remaining 10 can be read by whoever finishes first.
- I have another idea. - I'm sorry, idea time is over.
- 我还有一个主意 - 很抱歉 提议时间已经过了
- Well, are all the tickets in the bowl? - Yeah.
- 所有的彩券都在碗里了吗? - 是的
- What about the ones on the nightstand? - There are no tickets there.
- 那床头柜上面的那些呢? - 那边没有彩券
Yes, there are. I just saw them a few minutes ago.
是的 那边有 我几分钟前才看到
Heh. Uh, no, you didn't. You must be mistaken.
不对 没有 你看错了
- There are 20 tickets on the nightstand. - Chandler, sense the tone.
- 床头柜上有二十张彩券 - 钱德 注意我的语气
Well, well, well. Look what Mommy found.
喔 喔 喔 瞧瞧妈咪找到了什么
Okay, fine. I bought 20 extra tickets for me and Chandler.
好啦 我帮自己跟钱德多买了二十张
The psychic also said that I would be betrayed.
I can't believe this. I thought we were all in this together.
我不敢相信 我以为我们是一起的
- Hey, you just got in five minutes ago! - Three minutes ago!
- 嘿 你五分钟前才加入的 - 是三分钟
I don't know why that's important.
I was with you the whole time. When did you even get those?
我一直都跟你在一起 你是什么时候买的?
When you were reading the dirty magazines without taking off the plastic.
I'll show you how.
Okay. Well, Monica, suppose one of your special tickets wins?
好了 摩妮卡 假设你的彩券中奖了怎么办?
How are you gonna feel when you win and lose your friends?
你觉得中了彩券 失去了朋友又怎样?
Please. If I win the lottery, you guys are not gonna leave me.
拜托 如果我中奖了 你们才不会离开我
Someone gave me muffins last week. I couldn't get rid of you for three days!
有人上星期给我一堆松饼 害我整整三天都被你们骚扰
Chandler, would you just tell her what she did was wrong?
钱德 你可以告诉她这是不对的吗?
She's right. You shouldn't have bought tickets just for us.
她说的对 你不应该 帮我们两个另买彩券
Let me finish.
However, it doesn't look like I'm gonna get this job...
然而 看起来我好像得不到这份工作了
so I can't afford to have principles. So screw you! The tickets are ours!
所以我不能太有原则 去你们的 彩券是我们的
There's the man I married.
All right. Believe me, if you win the lottery...
好了 相信我 如果你们中奖了
it's the last you're gonna hear from us.
Fine. Don't be my friends. I'll buy new friends.
无所谓 不要当我的朋友就算了 我会买新朋友的
Yeah, and then I'll pay for their plastic surgery
是的 我还会付钱让他们动整形手术
so they look just like you!
You know what? I want my share of the tickets.
I want my tickets too! And I'm buying the Knicks!
我也要拿回我的彩券 而且我要买下尼克队
And Steffi Graf! Ha, ha.
Cool. Then I want mine too! And if I win...
太好了 那我也要拿回我的 而且如果我中奖…
I'm gonna put it all into a very low-yield bond!
No. You guys, we gotta keep all the tickets together.
不行 我们必须要 把全部的彩券集合在一起
No. No, we should divide them up...
不 我们应该分一分
and I should get extra because we used my car!
而且我应该多分点 因为是开我的车买的
Hey! Hey! If anybody gets extra tickets, it should be me!
嘿 嘿 如果有人可以多拿一些 那个人应该是我
- This whole thing was my idea! - Yeah. Thanks for inventing the lottery!
- 这整件事都是我想出来的 - 是啊 谢谢你发明乐透
Just give them to me, and I'll split them up!
把彩春给我 我来分
- OW! - Ah!
- 喔 - 啊哈
- Hey - Aah!
- 嘿 - 啊哈
God, I can't take it anymore! I'm putting an end to this!
天啊 我再也受不了了 我来结束这一切
- Okay, if she jumps, I get her tickets! - Wait, no, no! Hey!
- 如果她跳楼了 她的彩春就是我的 - 等等 不 嘿
If we're not doing this together, we're not doing it at all.
如果我们不要一起合资 那我们就什么都不要
- Say goodbye to your tickets. - No! No! No!
- 跟你们的彩券说再见吧 - 不 不 不
Do not come any closer!
Can I come a little bit closer? Valuable things are getting squished.
Now, what's more important, your friends or money?
现在 什么比较重要?朋友还是钱?
- Friends! - Money!
- 朋友 - 钱
Hey, Monica, what about your extra tickets?
嘿 摩妮卡 那你其它的彩券呢?
They're all in there.
- Even these five that I hid in my bra. - Monica!
- 还有我内衣藏的这五张 - 摩妮卡
Okay. Good. You guys were so scared.
好的 很好 你们都吓坏了
There is no way I was gonna dump this...
- Aah!
天啊 不
I think I broke your bowl.
Go! Go! Go!
快 快 快
What a beautiful night to be running around the street, looking for tickets.
到卫上去找彩券 真是美好的夜晚啊
And the wind sure made it fun.
- Phoebe, we lost half of them. - So what?
- 菲比 有一半不见了 - 那又如何呢?
Monica, we have the winning ticket.
摩妮卡 我们还是会中奖的
My psychic said I was gonna win, remember?
算命师说我会中奖的 记得吗?
Weird your psychic didn't mention anything about the scary pigeon.
奇怪的是 算命师并没有算到可怕的鹄子
As a matter of fact, she said that's how I'm going to die.
事实上她是有说过 我会那样死去
So excuse me for being a little skittish.
所以 原谅我有点被吓到
There's two messages. This could be from work.
有两通留官 可能是工作的消.急
- Oh, play them. - Okay. Here we go.
- 喔 放来听听 - 好了 来了
Hello. This is the pigeon from the balcony calling to apologize.
哈罗 我是阳台上的鸽子 打电话过来道歉的
I shouldn't have knocked the tickets out of the pretty lady's hand.
我不应该把彩券 从那捆漂亮小姐手中弄翻
It was all my fault. Not hers. Bye. Coo.
这全是我的错 不关她的事 拜
Well, I bet that was very hard for him to do.
嗯 我敢说要他这样道歉 一定很难
Hey, Chandler, it's Charlie.
嘿 钱德 我是查理
This is it. Shh, Shh!
Listen, um, it turns out I got the last spot.
听着 结果是我拿到最后的名额
I'm really sorry, man. It was a lot of fun working with you
我很抱歉 老兄 很高兴跟你共事过
Give me a call if you want.
Gosh, I'm so sorry, honey.
天啊 我很难过 亲爱的
Sorry, Chandler.
真替你难过 钱德
It is so unfair. It's like that time they promoted Saundra over me at work.
这真是不公平 这就像那次 他们升珊卓 而不是我一样
Was she related to Ralph Lauren?
No, she was just much better at her job than me.
没有 只是她工作能力比我强太多了
You guys, the drawing's about to start.
你们大家 快要开奖了
We should call my mom's and say good night to Emma...
我们应该打电话给我妈 跟艾玛说晚安
- before she goes down. - Good idea.
- 赶在她睡着以前 - 好主意
Honey, you're being really strong about this.
亲爱的 面对这件事你真的很坚强
I know how badly you wanted that job.
Yeah, you know, I really thought I deserved it.
是啊 你知道的 我真的以为这是该给我的
But let's go win the lottery. I mean, we still have a 130 chances to win, right?
让我们来中乐透吧 我们还有一百三十个机会不是吗?
Hundred and thirty-one.
Yeah, good night, sweetheart. I love you.
是的 晚安甜心 我爱你
And remember, you're Daddy's little girl. Heh.
还有记住 你是爹地的小女孩
Phoebe's totally ruined that for me.
Hi, Mom. Put her back on.
嗨 妈 让艾玛听
Rach, they're announcing the numbers!
瑞秋 他们在开奖了
My God, I can already feel myself changing.
我的天啊 我可以感到自己在改变了
Here are your official Powerball numbers. We have 53.
这袒是正式超级大乐透中奖号码 我们有五十三
- I've got that. - We have one too!
- 我有 - 我们也有一个
We are on the road, people!
Come on!
Mom, please, I know you love your new lips, but I can barely understand you.
妈 拜托 我知道你喜欢你的新嘴唇 但是我不太懂你在说什么
Would you please just let me say good night to my daughter?
And here we go. The Powerball is seven.
All right, check your numbers! Make me rich.
好了 你们快对号码 让我发财吧
You guys, you're not gonna believe this.
你们大家 你们不会相信这个的
I was just saying good night to Emma, and she said her first words.
我刚刚在跟艾玛说晚安的时候 她说了第一句话
- What? - Well, what did she say?
- 什么? - 那她说了什么呢?
She said, "Gleba"!
Make me rich!
- Isn't that amazing? - Oh, yeah. No, no, no, that's great.
- 是不是很惊人呢? - 是啊 真是太棒了
Why aren't you more excited?
Rach, heh, "gleba" is not a word.
瑞秋 葛利巴不算一句话
- Well, of course it is. - Okay. What does it mean?
- 它当然算 - 好吧 那它是什么意思呢?
Well, I don't know all the words.
嗯 我又不认识所有的字词
You know, I'm just glad I didn't miss my daughter's first word.
我只是很高兴我没有错过 我女儿说第一句话
- Yes you did! Gleba is a word! - Okay. Use it in a sentence.
- 你就是错过了 葛利巴算 - 好的 那用它造句
Okay. Uh, Emma just said, "Gleba
好的 艾玛刚刚说了"葛利巴"
- It's not a word. - Ugh. Okay, fine. I'm gonna look it up.
- 那不算说话 - 好的 我来查字典
Oh, okay, great.
好的 太好了
While you're at it, she said another word the other day. Why don't you look up:
顺便查一下 有天她也说了另外一句…你何不也查查看这个
All right. Okay. Okay. Gleba Gleba. Gleba. Gleba!
好了 葛利巴 葛利巴 葛利巴
Here it is! "The fleshy, spore-bearing inner mass of a certain fungi."
找到了 "含抱子的丰厚菌种"
She's gonna be a scientist.
- Damn it. Anybody got anything? - No.
- 该死的 有人有对到吗? - 没有
I'm still looking through mine.
Just double-checking. No.
再对一次 没有
No. No.
没有 没有
Hello? Hold on.
It's your boss.
Ah, the "I'm sorry I rejected you" phone call.
I'm not used to getting these from guys.
- Hey, Steve. - Chandler, hi.
- 嘿 史提夫 - 钱德 嗨
I'm sure you've heard we filled the three positions.
We felt that with your maturity and experience...
you wouldn't be happy being someone's assistant.
I'd love to be somebody's assistant. Answering phones...
我爱死当助理了 接听电话…
getting coffee, I live for that stuff.
倒咖啡 我就是为那些工作而活的
And I'm not too mature. Farts, boobies, butt cracks!
而且我并没有很成熟 放屁 咪咪 屁蛋
Chandler, you were the strongest person in the program.
钱德 你是全部的人里面最优秀的
We're offering you the position of junior copywriter.
Me? That guy who just said, "butt cracks"?
Yes, that's right.
是的 没错
We're excited about the level of sophistication...
you'll be bringing to the job.
Okay. Well, thanks, you won't regret it. I'll see you tomorrow.
好的 谢谢 你不会失望的 明天见
Oh, yeah, I'm gonna be a junior copywriter!
对 我要当初级广告文案了
Congratulations! Oh, sweetie, I'm so proud of you.
恭喜了 亲爱的 我真以你为荣
Thanks. Does that mean I get the good loving tonight?
谢谢 这表示我今晚可以被爱爱吗?
You bet. No TV or anything.
当然 不看电视或什么其它的
- Hey, that is so great about the job. - Thanks, man.
- 嘿 恭喜你找到工作了 - 谢了 老兄
I'd like to think I had something to do with it.
- Really? Why? - Well, before with the wishbone.
- 真的吗?怎么说? - 刚刚在玩幸福骨头的时候…
I, uh, didn't wish we would win the lottery. I wished you'd get the job.
我没有许愿我们中乐透 我许的愿是你找到工作
Qh, yeah?
喔 是吗?
Don't tell Monica. She'll rip your heart out.
听着 别告诉摩妮卡 她会把你的心脏挖出来的
Oh, yeah.
Well, you know what? There was a little part of me...
that really thought we were gonna win.
Me too. So much for my dinosaur Amelia Earhart theme park.
我也是 都是为了我的恐龙与女飞行员主题公园
You guys? What was the Powerball number again?
- Seven. - We won.
- 七 - 我们中奖了
- What? - We won!
- 什么? - 我们中奖了
- Let me see! Let me see! - Don't tear it!
- 让我看 让我看 - 别撕掉了
Phoebe, you don't have any of the first five numbers!
菲比 你其它五个号码都不对
I know that, but look, we got the Powerball number. We won $3!
我知道 但是我们中了特别号 我们中了三块钱
Wow, you think we should get that over 20 years or go for the big payout?
哇 你觉得我们应该分二十年提颌 还是一次颌光呢?
I don't care. I've never won anything before. I can't believe this!
我不管 我从来就没有 中过任何东西 我真不敢相信
So, Pheebs, what are you gonna do with your $3?
菲比 你要怎么运用这三块钱呢?
Well, it's not all mine. We all get 50 cents.
又不是全都是我的 我们每个人都有五十分
Aw. You know what? You can have mine.
- Me too. - Me too.
- 我的也是 - 我的也是
Me too. Ha, ha.
Well, I guess if everybody else is.
好吧 既然大家都要给你
Hey, guys. So I just called the Powerball hot line.
嘿 我刚刚打电话给乐透公司
- Can you believe it? Nobody won. - Um, I beg to differ.
- 你们敢相信吗?没有人中奖耶 - 我希望不是那样
Maybe nobody won the jackpot, but there was this guy in here earlier...
或许没有人中头奖 但是稍早有个人在这里…
and he found a ticket on the street right outside and won $10,000.
在外面检到一张彩春 中了一万块钱
Coo. Again, don't blame the pretty lady.
It was not her fault. It was me, the pigeon. Coo.
那不是她的错 是鹄子我的错
Seriously, stop staring at her.
真的 不要再瞪她了